A Day in the Life of a Schnorrbusch HVAC Technician: Keeping Homes Cool and Comfortable

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Cool Air

My day at Schnorrbusch Heating & Air starts bright and early at 6:30 AM. After a quick breakfast and a strong cup of coffee, I’m out the door by 7:15, ready to tackle whatever HVAC challenges await me.

8:00 AM: Professional Air Conditioning Installation

Our first job of the day is a professional air conditioning installation for a new client. We arrive at the home, and I begin by:

  • Assessing the layout of the house
  • Determining the best location for the new AC unit
  • Explaining the process to the homeowner

With my team, we get to work installing the new system, ensuring everything is properly connected and functioning optimally.

12:00 PM: Lunch Break and Team Huddle

After completing the installation, we take a quick lunch break. This is also an opportunity to touch base with the office and discuss any urgent calls that have come in.

1:30 PM: HVAC Installation at a Commercial Property

Our afternoon job involves a complete HVAC installation at a local business. This larger-scale project requires:

  • Coordinating with the building manager
  • Setting up ductwork
  • Installing both heating and cooling components

It’s a complex job, but our team’s expertise ensures smooth progress throughout the afternoon.

4:00 PM: Emergency AC Repair Call

Just as we’re wrapping up the commercial installation, we receive an urgent call for AC repair. A family’s air conditioner has stopped working on one of the hottest days of the year. We quickly head to their home to diagnose and fix the issue, restoring cool comfort to their living space.

6:30 PM: Wrapping Up and Planning for Tomorrow

As the day winds down, I return to the Schnorrbusch office to complete paperwork, restock my truck with necessary supplies, and review tomorrow’s schedule. It’s been a busy day, but knowing we’ve helped keep our community comfortable makes it all worthwhile.

Working at Schnorrbusch Heating & Air is more than just a job – it’s about providing essential services that improve people’s daily lives. Whether it’s a routine installation or an emergency repair, we’re always ready to bring our expertise and dedication to every task.