A Day in the Life of a Thompson Plumbing, Heating & AC Technician

Rise and Shine: The Early Morning Routine

My day as a technician at Thompson Plumbing, Heating & AC starts bright and early at 6:00 AM. After a quick breakfast and coffee, I’m out the door by 6:45, ready to tackle the day’s challenges.

First Stop: AC Repair in Petersburg, MI

Our first call of the day takes us to Petersburg, MI, where a homeowner is experiencing issues with their air conditioning unit. Upon arrival, I perform a thorough inspection of the system, identifying a faulty compressor as the root cause. With years of experience under my belt, I’m able to quickly replace the component and get the AC up and running again.

Midday: AC Service in Dundee, MI

After wrapping up in Petersburg, we head to Dundee for a routine AC service appointment. Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping air conditioning systems running efficiently, so we take our time to clean the filters, check refrigerant levels, and ensure all components are functioning properly.

Afternoon: Emergency Call in Ida, MI

Just as we’re finishing up in Dundee, we receive an emergency call from a customer in Ida. Their AC has completely shut down on one of the hottest days of the year. We rush over and discover a blown fuse in the outdoor unit. A quick replacement has their system cooling again in no time.

Late Afternoon: AC Installation in Britton, MI

Our final stop of the day is in Britton, where we’re installing a brand new air conditioning system for a family. This is a more involved process that includes:

1. Removing the old unit
2. Installing the new outdoor condensing unit
3. Connecting the indoor evaporator coil
4. Testing the system for optimal performance

Wrapping Up: Back to the Office

After a long day of helping customers stay cool, we head back to the Thompson Plumbing, Heating & AC office to file our reports and prepare for tomorrow’s assignments. It’s been a busy day, but knowing we’ve helped so many people in Petersburg, Dundee, Ida, Britton, and the surrounding areas makes it all worthwhile.

As I drive home, I can’t help but feel proud to be part of the Thompson team, providing essential AC repair and service to our community. Tomorrow, we’ll do it all again, ready to tackle whatever heating and cooling challenges come our way!