Debunking Myths: Your Essential Guide to Heating & Cooling Repair, Service & Installation

The world of Heating and Cooling repair, service and installation can sometimes seem like a maze of misinformation and misconceptions. As a leading name in the industry, we here at Mechanical Comfort Systems aim to debunk some of the common myths.

Myth 1: Lowering your thermostat drastically will cool your home faster

In reality, your cooling system works at a set pace. Lowering the thermostat to a very low temperature won’t speed up the cooling process – it only makes your HVAC system work longer than necessary, consuming more energy and potentially increasing your bills. It’s advisable to set your thermostat to your desired temperature and be patient.

Myth 2: Bigger HVAC equipment is better

The size of HVAC equipment should always be tailored to the space that needs to be heated or cooled. Bigger does not mean better in this case. Heating & Cooling units that are too large or too small for a space can reduce the efficiency of the system, cause frequent breakdowns and lead to discomfort.

Myth 3: You only need to change your filter once a year

The frequency for changing your HVAC filter should ideally be every 3 months or as recommended by the manufacturer. Filters trap dust, pollen and other particles; leaving them unchanged can lead to slow-down of system performance and possible system failure.

Myth 4: HVAC maintenance isn’t necessary if your system seems to be working fine

Preventive maintenance is key when it comes to HVAC service and installation. Regular check-up will keep your system running efficiently and can save you from costly repair bills down the line.

We hope that debunking these myths has helped shed light on the best practices for heating and cooling repair, service, and installation. Remember, the professionals at Mechanical Comfort Systems are always ready to provide you with expert advice and service to keep your systems running smoothly.