HVAC Maintenance & Repair: Debunking the Myths with Berwyn Western

When it comes to HVAC maintenance and repair, a lot of misinformation and myths are circulating out there. It’s important to rely on expert advice to ensure that your system is working as efficiently as possible. Berwyn Western is here to bust some of these common myths and provide accurate, reliable information.

Myth #1: You Only Need to Change Your Air Filters Once a Year

First and foremost, let’s address the myth that you only need to change your air filters once a year. As per Berwyn Western, your filter should be checked and replaced much more frequently, generally every 30-90 days, depending on the type of filter you have and the air quality in your home. If you have pets or if anyone in your home suffers from allergies, it may even need to be replaced more frequently.

Myth #2: Your HVAC System Doesn’t Require Regular Maintenance

Another common myth is that your HVAC system doesn’t need to be serviced until something goes wrong. This couldn’t be more wrong. Regular maintenance can help catch small issues before they become major — and potentially expensive — problems. It can also help keep your system running at peak efficiency, saving you money on your energy bills.

Myth #3: All HVAC Repair Companies are the Same

The third myth we are debunking is the idea that all HVAC repair companies are the same. This is certainly not true. Different companies have different levels of expertise, customer service, and pricing. It’s crucial to do your research and select a company known for its quality of work, such as Berwyn Western.

In conclusion, don’t let these common HVAC myths lead you astray. Regular filter changes, frequent system maintenance, and careful company selection are all important elements to keep your system running optimally. Remember, when it comes to professional HVAC maintenance and repairs, Berwyn Western is a name you can trust. Don’t hesitate to contact us for all your HVAC needs.