Debunking Heating and Cooling Myths for Guardian Heating Cooling

Myth: Opening Windows Cools a Home Efficiently

Many homeowners believe that opening windows on a cool night can effectively cool their homes. However, this is a myth. While it may provide some temporary relief, it’s an inefficient way to cool your home, especially during hot summer days. Air conditioning systems are designed to remove humidity and maintain a consistent, comfortable temperature throughout your home.

Myth: Bigger AC Units Mean Better Cooling

  • It’s a common misconception that larger air conditioning units automatically cool better. In reality, an oversized unit can lead to inefficient cooling, increased energy costs, and frequent cycling on and off.
  • The key is to choose a properly sized unit that matches your home’s cooling load, taking into account factors like square footage, insulation, and climate.

Myth: Boilers are Outdated and Inefficient

While older boiler models may have been less efficient, modern boilers have come a long way in terms of energy efficiency. High-efficiency condensing boilers can achieve impressive energy savings by capturing and reusing waste heat. When properly maintained, boilers can provide reliable and cost-effective heating for many years.

Myth: Closing Vents Saves Energy

Another common myth is that closing vents in unused rooms can save energy. However, this practice can actually put unnecessary strain on your HVAC system, leading to inefficient operation and potential damage. It’s better to keep all vents open and maintain proper airflow throughout your home.